miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Cody Simpson's following me on Twitter

Yeah, Cody Simpson is following me on Twitter!

 This happened this summer. I was in my bedroom, just chilling, and suddenly I got an email of someone who has just already followed me.

At first I could not believe it; I mean... HE WAS CODY SIMPSON! and he FOLLOWED ME! I was like: "What I have done to get noticed by him"? The answer is really easy: Nothing. I did nothing.Almost no mentions. He just saw me and followed me. He is awesome.

If you want to follow me on Twitter, just do it and I'll be glad to talk with you =)


lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

Cory Monteith

Ayer salió la trágica noticia de que el actor de Glee, Cory Monteith, había fallecido, al parecer, de una sobredosis.